Rules and Regulations


MCS Pathankot is a co-educational English Medium Public School whose overriding objective is the realization of the full potential – physical, mental, and spiritual of each child and to instill in him or her the qualities, values and attitudes for success in life as for becoming good citizen and a good human being. This child-centered education best promotes self-development and creativity in a stress free atmosphere.

Highly trained and experienced teachers instruct and guide the pupils for their all-round development. Regular reading habits and interest in sports and other extra-curricular activities are encouraged. Good manners and a proper moral sense are imparted. The curiosity of the child will be awakened with a view to help him learn how to think rather than what to think; to educate him not only for a career but also for life with all its complexities and to help him develop into an integrated human being.

Children are motivated to strive for excellence and to do a thing well for their own sake and not merely for reward or acclaim. While encouraging a spirit of initiative, independence and self-reliance, proper respect for seniors, elders and for the law and institutions established norms and usages, which are the under pining of a stable and a healthy social order are stressed. At the same time, a spirit of tolerance, receptivity and openness to the world beyond is fostered.


  • To create sensitivity to the pain of others.

  • We believe in transferring positivity in the community we relate to.

  • To put our heart into whatever we do.

  • To have relation based education.

  • To have a healthy and clean environment.

  • To be conscientious of our duties as much as the rights.

  • Sympathy in another’s trouble and courage in our own.

  • To fight a good fight.

  • To strive and not to yield.

  • Value oriented education


MCS aims for Specialized Education Plan (SEP) through which we rationalize the potential ability of children characterize the modules of learning and development and design the key ingredient knowledge based on the need, liking and learning style of students.


Every student should carry the Almanac to school daily and preserve it. No page from it should be destroyed or smudged. Students must go through the pages and work accordingly.

Copy their class schedule on to the grid provided and enter important events in the appropriate dates in their Almanac. Write down tasks to be done, such as assignments, projects, Recap, homework and other announcements made from time to time.

This Almanac acts as a two way means of communication between teachers and parents. Parents are encouraged to go through it regularly, reading and signing on the specified pages any communication sent from the Class teacher.


Strict discipline is required in matters of rules and conduct. The school teaches internal and external discipline.

We at MCS believe in the development of values and ethics. Therefore, envisages to inculcate a sense of responsibility and moral conduct in its students.


Students should be present in the class at the start of the period and in time for all other activities and functions. Students who arrive late will not be allowed to attend the class on that date.


  1. The absence of a student from the school for a single day isviewed with great concern. The guardian should encourage his/her ward not to abstain from the school unless it is absolutely necessary.
  2. Attendance on the last day of the school before vacation and first day of the school after vacation is absolutely essential.
  3. However, absence on the first day will be permitted for special reasons with the prior permission of the Principal. When a student is absent without prior permission, he will be liable for disciplinary action.
  4. Students will not be allowed to leave the school early. In case of such a requirement a note of explanation from the parent is to be furnished to the Principal. No pupil will be allowed a half holiday without the Principal’s permission. No one is allowed to take days off before holiday nor to prolong his/her holiday after the rejoining of the school.
  5. Withdrawal of child from classes for frequent social functions is not recommended because it retards the child’s progress in the school and minimizes his/her respect for regular hard work with consequent failure to progress in his/her studies.
  6. All leaves will be sanctioned by the Principal on receipt of a written request stating clearly the reason for leave. In case of illness, a medical certificate must accompany the leave application.
  7. In case of illness or other unavoidable reasons of absence, it becomes the special responsibility of the parents to send a leave note in the Almanac. (Non Attendance and Leave record)
  8. Absence due to illness should be intimated at once as prior permission is required even for a short period of time. Absence without reason incurs a heavy fine.
  9. Strict action will be taken if a child with an infectious disease comes to school.
  10. If a student suffers from a contagious disease, the period before returning to the class must be observed as follows :
    • Chicken Pox : Six days after the disappearance of the first crop of vesicles.
    • Measles : Seven days from the appearance of rash.
    • Mumps : Nine days from the appearance of symptoms.
  11. Those who have such disease must furnish a medical clearance certificate before they are allowed to rejoin classes.
  12. A student not reporting within 15 days off, is considered withdrawn.
  13. Attendance on functions and tests is mandatory.
  14. Absence days prior to examination/Unit test will lead to deduction of 5 marks in the subject.
  15. No student will be permitted to go home after Recap/tests.
  16. No special arrangements are made for the examination of students who for any reason, absent themselves from any part of examination.
  17. Students who fail to appear in any one of the papers due to illness / accident must produce a medical certificate and the test will be marked M.L. If for some unavoidable reason a student has missed any test in any subject, the average of various tests of that particular subject will be taken at the end of the session, provided the student has appeared for the remaining tests of the same subject, thus causing no loss of position at the end. In case of absence without permission the exam /test will be marked zero. No exam /test will be taken again.


Students in transit between classrooms, library, practical labs, games field or work experience (Activity classes) locations are expected to walk in a line maintaining absolute silence.

Changing classrooms between periods where necessary, should be done in silence and in an orderly manner. Never come out of the class without the Outpass.


English is the medium of instruction of this school. To develop maximum fluency in English, its use is mandatory at all times inside the school premises.

10. FEES

Fee Structure (Click here)


  • No fee, partial or full will be refunded if the student is required to leave the school or withdrawn during the term for any reasons.

  • No reduction of fee is made for broken periods of attendance.

  • If a child is withdrawn once the term has started, no refund of fee is possible.

  • If the child is withdrawn temporarily for a term for reasons

    acceptable to the Principal and due advance notice is given, a Seat Retention fee of Rs. 5000/- for Day Boarder and 10,000 for Boarder will be payable.

  • A clear three months notice or three months fee in lieu, thereof must be given before a pupil can be withdrawn. Fee once paid is non refundable.

  • Transfer certificates or withdrawals are not issued until all dues of the school are settled.

Note : No transfer certificate is issued when a student is withdrawn without prior notice.


The wearing of school uniform for the children of our school as specified from time to time is compulsory. The wearing of the uniform is not only a ritual but a very sacred duty which brings about oneness amongst the children and responsibility in their attitudes. Procuring and wearing of well-fit uniform as well as its maintenance, needs optimum attention from parents.


  • Students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed.
  • The school uniform must be worn on all working days.
  • Non-Sikh boys should get their hair trimmed at regular intervals.
  • Boys will not apply gel on their hair and avoid fancy hair styles.
  • Girls should not apply nail polish or mehndi during the school session.
  • No jewellery is allowed except small ear studs/rings. Wrist Watch can be worn Class VIII onwards.
  • The hemline of the skirts for the girls must be 1 inch above the knee.
  • Girls with short hair must wear hair band.
  • Long hair is not to be left loose and no fancy hair styles are permitted.
  • Two plaits with ribbons are compulsory.
  • Girls to wear cycling shorts with skirts.
  • All items of uniform must be labelled including ties and socks to facilitate their return in case of their displacement.
  • The school will switch over to winter uniform and winter timings as per the season.
  • The dates will be notified accordingly.
  • Children must come to school in proper school uniform for PTM.

A fine of Rs. 25/-will be levied per day for lapses.
Nur/K.G. :- A spare set of clothes should be deposited with the Class Teacher.



Montessori Cambridge School is committed to the pursuit of Academic Excellence. To achieve this we have well defined educational programme planned to give the student a general education in accordance with the aims and objectives of the school.

The students are prepared for the All India Senior School Certificate Examination of Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi.

The school has classes at five levels :

  1. Pre- primary Nursery / K.G.
  2. Primary Std I to V
  3. Middle Std VI to VIII
  4. Secondary Std IX to X
  5. Senior Secondary Std XI to XII

Medium of Instruction is English.

The curriculum at Secondary level includes English, Hindi, Punjabi, Mathematics, General Science, Social Science, Art & Craft, General Knowledge, Physical & Health Education, Value Education, Computer Science, Music, Dance, Yoga, Gymnastics, etc.

At Senior Secondary level +2 stage – Medical, Non Medical, Commerce & Humanities. (offering 27 subjects)

We are fully equipped for the subjects we offer in term of lab and equipment and highly qualified teachers. The school year begins in April and ends in March.


Nursery to UKG
• The regular work done in the class is assessed and promotion granted accordingly.

Class 1 onwards

  • The No homework system will be followed till class III.

  • The books and folders up to class III will be kept in school and only those will be carried.

  • back in which some work has been sent.

  • Home study includes the revision of all that has been taught in class each day whether this has been set to be studied or not. Hence the same amount of time should be given to study each evening whether written home work is sent or not.

  • Children should not be forced to study for long period.

  • Tuition is absolutely FORBIDDEN without proper discussion and consent. Except in exceptional cases, where a child has missed class due to prolonged illness or is a slow learner.

  • Tuition is injurious to genuine progress and a waste of money.




Willful breach of any of the regulations pertaining to the conduct of examination is punishable with expulsion from the examination or, if subsequently discovered, with cancellation of the papers. Any tempering with marks/report (forging signatures and changing marks) will result in the parents being compelled to withdraw their child from the school. Students who cheat will be given no credit for their work.

Result declared at the end of the year is final and will not be re- considered. At the end of the term the parents would be invited to discuss the progress of their wards with the concerned teachers, a formal progress report would be given after each term on the Parent-Teacher Meeting day showing the regular evaluation of the child’s all round progress during the term.

On the loss of report card the child would be issued another one on payment of a fine of Rs 100/-.


A consolidate evaluation report card of the child on scholastic and co- scholastic activities and other related information about the child is discussed with the Parents on Parent Teacher Meet is a regular feature. Child’s performance is available online on school website:


In order to assess the performance of the students, the Principal in her absolute discretion shall call meeting of the parents and teachers.

  • The classwork, test papers, leave record may be seen that day.

  • The behaviour of the student at home and school can also be discussed.

  • Any suggestions for the improvement of the student and the school, in general are welcomed.

  • All the parents called for by the teacher, should meet them at the time mentioned by them.

  • Except in any emergency, the Principal and teachers do not entertain parents or other visitors during the school hours without prior appointments.


The entire school community is divided into four houses. They are Ganges, Narmada, Damodar and Kaveri. Each house has a House Mistress or a House Master and Teachers to guide the students.

The house system inculcates the qualities of leadership, co-operation, mutual understanding, tolerance and self reliance. Various activities are organized to build up team spirit such as dramatics, elocution, quiz, group singing, dance etc.

Other than this, the students are initiated in community service & social work. The House Masters & Teachers act as a vital link in the MCS system, acting as friends, advisors & confidents.

NOTE : It is mandatory for students to participate in all House Activities.


In today’s fast changing scientifically and technologically advanced society, there is a dire need for computer education. The computer literacy classes commence from class I onwards.


All the classes in school are equipped with Smart Classes and School Mobile App: EDUNEXT.


Every computer lab is on LAN with ready access to high speed internet through a central server. All students are exposed to the individual working of the computer available in the hardware and networking lab.

The school’s website is very informative, user friendly and interactive and parents can communicate through it.

Every student has a login Id and password. Student information can be accessed by parents online at:


It is unique concept introduced in the school which gives children the opportunity to learn by doing using various kinds of educational apparatus.

Students exhibit their projects through working models and presentations.


The School lays a special emphasis on training students in the art of public speaking.

The students are encouraged in public speaking functions like inter school declamation contests and debate competitions organized by other schools.


The Language Development Programme supports students whose learning styles have been creating barriers to their academic progress.

It also helps to remove any flawed accents and any sort of communication-based hesitation that the child may have when speaking in language or communicating a group.

The programme has been designed to help the students develop a sense of awareness of what are the shortcomings in their respective learning styles and also to improve upon their language skills.


The well-equipped laboratories for English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Robotics, Geography & Home Science give the young and budding scholars a congenial environment to carry out their experiments and explore scientific facts.


The art gallery of the school gives a great opportunity to the young minds to colour their imagination.

27. CONSERVATOIRE - Music and Dance Room

Music is the universal language of mankind . Apart from academics, the music and dance also occupies a very prominent place in overall development of the child. Music room is well-equipped with all types of instruments. In dance room, children learn classical, folk and western dances.


The school has a fine recreation and sporting facilities. A swimming pool, a skating rink and a playing field are some of the attractive features. Effective scheduling has ensured that all students have adequate access to the facilities provided.


The food served at the Mess is well planned, quality, nutritious food which provides well balanced nourishment to the students.


Regular tours and educational excursions to museums, science centers, historical monuments, amusement parks and picnic spots also add in the learning process.


Sports are important at MCS:
Participation in sports, games and athletics is compulsory for all pupils of the school. School has Yoga, Aerobic, Karate, Skating, Swimming. The written permission of the Principal is required to any pupil who wish to be exempted from sports, etc. Such exemption will be granted in exceptional cases only, and for a definite period of time, for instance where exemption is sought by parents / guardians of pupil of this school.


Personal particulars of the child has to be filled carefully and completely as the health and well-being of the child is of primary importance. Please also state if the child is susceptible to fits/concussion or any other affliction or has had any major health problems. Every possible care will be taken of the child during school hours and first aid will be given when necessary.


The books and notebooks should be properly labelled. Note : Work Sheets to be filed in the respective folders.

34. EXHAUSTIVE LIBRARY (Resource Centre)

The school has a library of its own. It caters to the needs and interest of the children of all ages. It also supplies teachers with the range of reference books and other materials to enrich their own class room activities and instructions.

  1. Books are issued to the students during the library periods mentioned in the timetable. Books are not issued or returned during the teaching hours.

  2. Strict order and silence is maintained in the library room at all times. Defaulters are penalised.

  3. A student can borrow only one book at a time.

  4. A student may ordinarily have a copy of a book issued for a week and it may be renewed further for the same period. No book that is in great demand shall be lent for more than four days.

  5. Members shall not on any account pass books to non-members. Anyone found loaning books to another person may be denied the facility of the library.

  6. Members shall carefully examine the books as soon as it is issued to him/her. Any mark (spoil,damage etc) shall be forthwith reported to the librarian. If they fail to do so they will be held responsible for any damage that is detected later.

  7. All markings, under-linings and notation or defacing of book by any means are strictly forbidden. Fines shall be levied for violation of these rules.

  8. In case a book is misused, wrongly handled or lost the person concerned will have to pay the current price of the book.

  9. The librarian may call for a book at any time even if the normal period of loan has not expired.

  10. Absence is no excuse for the delay in the return of the book after the expiry of the period of loan.

  11. If the book is not returned at the expiry of the period of loan or after the librarian has called for it even within the period of loan a fine of Rs. 5/- per day of delay will be charged. Fine shall be collected by the librarian and the fact notified in the defaulter’s card. Until such a fine is collected from the defaulter, no book shall be issued to him or her.

  12. If the date of issue or return of book happens to be a holiday it stands postponed to the corresponding day of the following week.

  13. Reference books and periodicals will not be issued. Every student will be allowed to consult Reference book during the school hours.

  14. Every student should read a minimum of Six English, Six Hindi books and prescribed magazines. One page summary of each book read must be shown to the language teacher. The name of the book read should be entered in the page given in this Almanac.

  15. Issue of books shall be stopped ten days before each Term Exam.

  16. Students will not be allowed in the library with their personal book or bag. Only Almanac & notebook will be allowed with the permission of the librarian. Parents are requested to add books of their ward to the Class library.



  1. Students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed i.e. the School uniform must be worn on all working days.
  2. Non Sikh boys should get their hair trimmed at regular intervals. Girls should plait their hair if shoulder length. Short hair should be neatly cut and pinned up.
  3. Students must converse in English only.
  4. Students are required to behave politely at all times and should not use indecent language or indulge in fights and quarrels with others in the school. Any behaviour likely to cause hurt to others in the matter of language, religion, caste or community is strictly prohibited.
  5. Students should always greet the parents, teachers, elders and friends in a pleasant voice whenever they meet them in school or outside.
  6. Studentsshouldtakecarenevertointerruptanyonewhois talking. Polite behaviour and gentleness in speech and manners are insisted at all times. To Know the Magic in the words ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’, ‘Excuse me’ and ‘Sorry’ use these words frequently on all appropriate occasions.
  7. Students should treat his / her schoolmates as his/her own brothers and sisters and help the younger ones whenever possible.
  8. To be ready to co-operate in any endeavour to promote the well- being of the school and schoolmates.
    The following practices are strictly forbidden:
      • Disrespect to elders
      • Abusive language
      • Bullying.
      • Rowdyism and rude behaviour.
      • Injuring a fellow student.
      • Use of violence in any form.
      • Shouting or whistling.
      • Spitting in or near school building except where provision is made for this purpose.
      • Disfiguring or otherwise damaging any school property
      • Smoking
      • Any form of gambling
      • Use of drugs, intoxicants
      • Casteism and communalism
      • Receiving visitors or making phone calls.
      • Bringing Watch, Cell phones, Cameras, Pen Drives, CD«s, I pods and cash to school.
      • Plucking flowers and destroying plants
      • Ringing up boarders parents
      • Purchasing or bringing tuck to school
  9. Silence must be observed outside the Principal’s office, in the library and the corridors.
  10. Care must be taken of school property and no student should scratch or damage school property or write or draw on the walls or cause damage in any way to any item belonging to the school or to others in the school. Any damage done will render the student liable for recovery of damages.
  11. As soon as in class, the student, should get his/her book ready for the next period.
  12. Changing classrooms between periods where necessary, should be done in silence and in an orderly manner. Never come out of the class without the outpass.
  13. Student should stand quietly when a teacher enters the classroom and sit down only when told to do so.
  14. To never loiter aimlessly along corridors, run about, shout or whistle. (Shouting or whistling is not allowed in the school).
  15. In the absence of the teacher from the classroom, students are required to observe silence and obey the monitor of the class.
  16. Every student should have his/her own text book, stationery and other material required for studies. Articles should not be exchanged nor should money be borrowed or lent.
  17. Name, class, section and Adm. no. of the student should be clearly marked on all belongings of the student.
  18. Every student should carry the Almanac to school daily and preserve it. No page from it should be destroyed or smudged.
  19. A student who uses unfair means in the examination will render himself/herself liable to such punishment as is considered necessary by the Principal.
  20. The general behaviour of students should be good not only within the school but also outside. Any reported objectionable conduct outside the school will make the student liable for disciplinary action.
  21. Students found possessing or reading any books or magazines of indecent nature are liable for disciplinary action.
  22. Every student should take care of his/her personal belongings. School authorities will not be responsible for loss of such belongings. Students are not allowed to wear any jewellery (chain, rings, bangles) in school.
  23. It is the duty of all students to keep their classrooms and other places, in and around the school, clean and in order. All waste paper and other discardable material should be thrown in the dustbin.
  24. No student is allowed to write on the black-board unless asked to do so by the teacher.
  25. Before leaving the classroom, at the end of the day, they should arrange the desks and chairs in proper order, put off the lights and fans, close the windows, throw the waste paper and unwanted materials into the dustbin and then leave the classrooms.
    1. Strictly adhere to the school timings. Late comers will be sent back home.

    2. Coming to school wearing expensive jewellery or watches is strictly prohibited.

    3. Using filthy and abusive language in and around the campus is not expected from the students.

    4. Students violating code of conduct will be facing strict disciplinary action by the school authorities.

    5. Students are not allowed to come to school on motorcycle / car under any circumstance. Indisciplined behaviour in the school bus will result for disciplinary action.


Some of these Acts of Indiscipline are bunking classes, cheating in exams, using bad language, regularly coming late, damaging the school property and any other act construed as indiscipline by the teacher after consultation with the Principal.

Students must take part in various class activities and school activities particularly when school programmes are arranged. To strive to attain excellence in whatever activity he/she participates.

It may also be noted that students are expected to turn out in proper uniform everyday. Repeated laxity may also lead to punitive action as above. Honesty, cleanliness, good manners and loyalty are demanded of each student and anyone not confirming to the school’s ideals in these matters may be asked to leave the school.

Children should not bring crackers, toys, transistors, I-pods, mobiles etc. to the school. Bursting of crackers and playing with colour is liable to expulsion of a student from the school. Immorality or grave insubordination or contempt of authority is always a reason of dismissal.

Honesty and sincerity in work, speech and action is imperative if the student is to continue in this institution. Violation of the rules and regulations of the school and the code of conduct will render the concerned student liable to punishment including removal from the rolls of the school.


Getting students ready in the morning is part of parent job, but if the students do these things themselves each morning it will help their day go much smoother.

Tips for Students :

  • Get up right away when called. Do not make your parents to call you again and again.
  • Make your bed. Do not make mother to remind you.
  • Wash your face and comb your hair. Wipe up the sink after you use it. Hang up your towel.
  • Get dressed quickly. It is a good idea to lay out your clothes the night before. Put your dirty clothes in the hamper.
  • Help your younger brother and sister if they need it.
  • Check your backpack, to make certain your homework is finished and ready to turn in.
  • Now you are ready for the day. Do not horse around at the bus stop. Do not tease others. If you walk, look out for traffic. Pay attention.

Manners in the Bus / Van :

  • Sit in your seat, do not jump around, stand or be rough.
  • Be courteous. Say Good Morning or Good Bye to your bus driver.
  • Pay attention to the signals of the bus driver.
  • Do not talk when the driver is driving.
  • Use the trash can for litter.
  • Never write or draw on the walls or seats of the bus/van.

Manners on the Play Ground :

  • If you share your friends, you will have more.
  • No pushing or shoving.
  • Do not make fun of others.
  • Always remember Safety first.
  • Show new students around the school, include them and welcome them.


Manners in the Halls/Corridors

  • Walk to your left at all times.

  • Remember, loud voices distract students in the class room.

  • Do not bounce balls or touch the students’ work on display.

  • Walk in an orderly way.

Class Room Manners

  • Be a good team member.

  • Listen to your teachers.

  • Respect the desks and text books of others.

  • Use your own ideas. Do not take them from others.

  • Listen to your teacher attentively.

  • Respect your teachers.




  • Be regular in your work.

  • Do not hesitate to ask teachers or other students, things you do not grasp easily.

  • Never leave difficulties, whatsoever as this put you in greater difficulties later.

  • Always revise the work done in class and make sure you have understood everything clearly and thoroughly. If memory work is assigned learn it overnight and revise it the first thing in the morning.

  • All homework should be done neatly. Revise the same at the end of the week.

  • Have some Physical exercise daily to keep your body healthy and mind fresh.

  • Be regular in the school work. Do not miss your period.



  • Always have a positive attitude towards education, the school and the teachers, presume the best about the school until proven wrong.
  • Education of the child is the joint venture of school and the parents
  • We request the parents to actively come forward with valuable support and suggestions.
  • In case of any complaint regarding coneling of syllabus, copy correction and use of abusive language, kindly communicate with the Principal/co-ordinator or class teacher.
  • Parents must be familiar with the teacher of their wards.
  • An overdose of TV/Computers make our children easy going rather than educated. So the parents must limit the TV viewing and their access to internet.
  • Listen to your ward«s problem but communicate directly with the teacher when problem occurs. The facts get twisted and coloured unintentionally when carried home by a student prejudiced by his point to view.
  • It is recommended to subscribe for one daily English newspaper and one good magazine. Read and let your children see you read. Also buy some story books for your child to develop reading habits.
  • Your ward is studying in English Medium school. Kindly converse with him in English and let him/her watch English programmes on TV.
  • Parents are requested not to present any gifts to staff on any occasion.
  • We must observe that making any critical or derogatory remark on the teaching methodology and home environment by either party is not the purpose. We must ensure that any remark featuring should pertain strictly to the students work and conduct. If required complaint / remarks may be conveyed through a separate letter addressed to the
  • Principal, who will certainly look into the matter and take any action needed.
  • Whenever you correspond with the school about your ward, kindly quote his/her full name, Adm.No., class and section.
  • Please fill up Personal Memo page and also record your specimen signatures in the space provided in the Almanac.
  • Make sure that children come to school regularly, punctually and dressed neatly. Pupils who come to school improperly dressed and who appear generally untidy will not be allowed to join the classes until they conform to school regulations on dress and neatness. (Minimum 85% attendance is necessary for promotion to next higher class).
  • Parents must inform the school if any change in Address or Telephone no. so that they are contacted immediately in case of emergency.
  • The school does not accept the responsibility for the loss of books, clothes and so on.
  • Each pupil is responsible for his / her own things and advised to take care of his/her belongings. Children should not bring any expensive articles, extra money, cell phones and irrelevant books to the school.
  • To cultivate respect and dignity of human labour, parents should also assign work duties to students at home. This equips students to be resourceful and useful member of the community.
  • Parents are requested not to spend lavishly on food, presents etc. on a child’s birthday as it disrupts the normal routine. Parents are requested not to send sweets for the children. Anything brought to school will be confiscated. Also it is suggested that the child presents a book to the library with his/her compliments on the occasion of his/her birthday.
  • Children are discouraged to buy birthday cards and gifts to give to their friends and teachers.
  • Similarly, parents are to make sure that they pick up their children at the notified time from the specified bus stop.
  • Existing routes will continue to ply. Change in route will not be entertained during the session.
  • For the change of route/bus should be informed through phonecall / diary note to the transport incharge (mobile no.9876570913). On the spot request will not be accepted.
  • In case of any problem regarding buses, the School Assistance Desk may be contacted.
  • Buses may reach the Bus Stop 10 minutes earlier or 10 minutes later. School buses are arranged with utmost care but school takes no responsibility for any mishap in transit.
  • On the days of the function, please ensure you read the circular.
  • Excessive spending and pocket money should be discouraged.
  • Students will not come to school in casuals on their birthday.
  • Presents to the members of the staff or other demonstration in their honour requires previous sanction of the Principal.
  • Certain amount of regular English conversation is required at home which will help the child to follow the classes easily.
  • Verbal request through servants or relatives to allow children to go home before the school gets over will not be compiled with.
  • Participation in school programmes by the pupils will be deemed compulsory by the school.
  • Parents are welcomed to see the Principal but to avoid disappointment, they are advised to make a prior appointment.
  • Parents are advised not to enter the classroom or interview the teachers during class hours and not to ask to meet the teacher on working days in the interest of the children themselves and the school. For any information contact the School Office /Reception during working hours.
  • Please pay the school fees in time.
  • Student are not permitted to go home after Recap/Periodic.
  • It is important to attend the Parent Teacher Meeting. (Parents are welcome to meet the teachers on the PTM days)


  • Parents are encouraged to spend Quality time with their children every day.

  • Take interest in your child’s work.

  • Encourage your child to talk with you. He is full of new experience to share and stories to tell.

  • Inculcate in your child the reading habits. Encourage him to read library books and try buying him books as incentives. Read with your child every night.

  • Television can be fun and can help your child to learn. Television viewing should be planned regularly around programmes made for children. Watch television along with your child and talk about what you’ve seen.

  • Share your hobbies with him.

  • Plan outdoor activities with your child and his friends.

  • Keep in contact with your child’s class teacher.

  • Say a small prayer with your child before you go off to sleep.

Habits developed at home will often help at school, for example :

  • Following set schedules for home study, recreation, meal time, etc. establishes consistency.

  • Encouraging him to make a time table for home study, recreation etc and preparing his things for school next day, develops organization.

  • Making your child responsible for a few household chores like straightening up his room, setting the table, etc develops a sense of responsibility.

  • Praise your child. Praise works much better than threats in getting your child to do what you want. Telling him you did a good job, when he does something right, makes him want to do it again. Children who are treated with love and respect grow up to be happy and confident. Show genuine interest, patience and understanding. Help him to find answers to all his questions. Give your child room to try new things, to make simple decisions and to explore new situations.



To ensure the safety and punctuality of school children, the school has chartered buses as transport and backup facility for the children. A fleet of buses operate throughout Pathankot and nearby areas. The parents are to find out about the pick – up points from the school office.

  • It will be the responsibility of the parents to ensure that their children reach the picking point well in time, as the transport will be delayed if the child is not available at the picking point.
  • Existing routes will continue to ply. Change in route will not be entertained during the session.
  • In case of any problem regarding buses, the School Assistance Desk may be contacted.
  • Buses may reach the Bus Stop 10 minutes earlier or 10 minutes later. School buses are arranged with utmost care but school takes no responsibility for any mishap in transit.
  • The child will not be allowed by any other route other than the allotted one.
  • On the days of the functions, please ensure you read the circular.Code of Safe Practice while using school bus:
  • We are giving below some useful guidelines for the safety of the children travelling in the school buses. Parents are requested to go through this instruction and to comply with for the safety of their children.

For Parents :

  • Always be punctual.
  • Leave and collect your children on the same side of the road as the bus collects and drops them.
  • Teach your child to act sensibly in and around buses.
  • Teach your child how to cross the road from the bus stop.
  • Make your child know the safest route home after leaving the bus if unaccompanied.
  • Report any worries to the school office.
  • Make your child know what to do if the bus is late or does not arrive.
  • In case your ward misses the bus, please do not try to overtake and stop your vehicle in front of the bus.
  • Please note that a helper is being deployed in each of the buses for safety of children. Kindly do not argue with him or the driver. If any complaint you may bring to the notice of the Principal.

For Students :

  • Always be punctual.
  • Queue on the pavement in a proper manner away from the road.
  • Do not push or rush for the door to get into the bus.
  • Find a seat quickly and sit quietly without pushing or jostling.
  • Only speak to the driver when he is not driving or in an emergency. Remember, excessive noise/sound, radios can distract the driver leading to accidents.
  • Wait until the vehicle has completely stopped before alighting.
  • Make sure you have all your belonging before leaving the bus. If you have forgotten something, take care when returning to the bus, as the driver may be driving away. In that case wait until the next trip.
  • If you have to cross the road after getting off the bus, allow the bus to move off before crossing the road.
  • Do not litter.
  • If the vehicle breaks down, or is involved in an accident, follow instruction given by the driver / bus incharge / teacher.
  • Behave intelligently and safely at all the time.
  • Do not take your head out of window while travelling.
  • If you find any object on the bus /Van which does not belong to fellow students, or is suspicious in nature, immediately bring it to the attention of the teacher, conductor / driver.