The House System

House System

  • Ganges (Red Colour)
  • Narmada (Yellow Colour)
  • Damodar (Green Colour)
  • Kaveri (Blue Colour)

Our houses are named after noteworthy rivers of India. A variety of activities are offered as an integral part of the curriculum to provide each student an opportunity to develop a wholesome personality.

Each House is headed by House Captains and functions a House Warden. At the end of each year, the best House is awarded the Running Trophy based on various parameters.

Inter House, Intra Class competitions ensure the students absorb a healthy, competitive spirit and loyalty to their respective houses or classes. Debates, Dramatics, Choral Singing, Elocution, Math Wizard, Spelling Bee, Creative Writing and Team Games are some of the activities which observe frequent participation of students.

Each house has a House Mistress or a House Master and Teachers to guide the students. The house system inculcates the qualities of leadership, co-operation, mutual understanding, tolerance and self- reliance. Various activities are organized to build up team spirit such as dramatics, elocution, quiz, group singing, dance etc. Other than this, the students are initiated in community service & social work.

The House Masters & Teachers act as a vital link in the MCS system, acting as friends, advisors & confidents.
NOTE : It is mandatory for students to participate in all House Activities.

The House System is also designed to embody the values of the school and is an integral part of our school community.

The objective of the house system at MCS is to provide every student with:

  • A sense of belonging

  • Positive role models from within their peer group.

  • A sense of achievement outside the classroom.

  • Fun and excitement through competition.

  • Curiosity and creativity.

  • Leadership.

  • Individual and collective responsibility.

  • The development of communication skills, flexibility and resilience.