Teaching Methodology

Our Teaching Methodology

With 21st Century Integrated Curriculum and with the world around us is changing rapidly, there is a great need for us to change the way we teach. Modern infrastructure and newer technologies, along with the ever-evolving demands of the world around us, are shifting the focus from only reading and writing to the development of skills.

To prepare our children for life, along with providing knowledge, we have to provide them opportunities to develop skills such as communication, decision making, value, independent thinking, teamwork, leadership, creativity, research and problem solving.

So we raised question to ourselves – How do we achieve all of this, if the world around us is dynamic and always in a flux? Will the standardised curriculums, with little or no flexibility, suit the diversified needs of the learners?

We found the answer with years of experiential learning – The school adopts different strategies of teaching and learning at every level. The focus is not simply on the textbook but on a more practical and proactive approach whereby the students’ skills, creativity andattitudes are constantly challenged and enhanced.

Learning is followed by Activity and Project based approach recommended by the CBSE and many recognized educationists.

Excellent facilities are also provided in accordance to the growing demand of excellence in education.

Integrated Curriculum followed at Montessori Cambridge School is a well-structured, carefully planned, accountable and appropriate curriculum that incorporates the best pedagogic practices keeping in mind learners’ multiple intelligences and learning styles.

This curriculum is based on the belief that the ‘Child is the Curriculum’ and has been designed after much research and development. It is built not on the idea of separate subjects, but on the much more fertile idea of disciplines, which makes possible a fluid and dynamic curriculum that is interdisciplinary.

It is helping us to create a positive learning environment and the result is happy, empowered, well-adjusted and competent learners who possess the skills to move and make their own world.